Last Night At Full Council The Leader

Last night at Full Council the Leader (Cllr Stephen Cooksey) announced his Cabinet for 2021/22. A full breakdown of new responsibilities will be circulated as soon as we have them

Update Following Annual Council

At its Annual meeting on 18th May 2021, Council confirmed the following appointments;Chairman of the Council Chris HuntVice Chairman Paul Potter Leader of the Council Stephen CookseyDeputy Leader of the

Sunflower Lanyards

Any staff who are exempt from the need to wear face coverings are asked to wear a Sunflower lanyard and to take particular precautions to maintain 2m social distancing at

Use Of Car Parking Permits

Remember that parking restrictions apply to members of staff in the same way that they do to our residents. All employees are allowed to park in MVDC car parks when

QGIS Update

QGIS is being updated from Monday 19th April to a new Long Term Release version. This should not affect your projects or day-to-day working in the application. It will require