Contacting Facilities Management

If you need to contact Facilities Management at Pippbrook please send an email to: This inbox is monitored throughout the working day. In the event of an emergency or

GDPR arrangements for this week

Tom Penlington, the Council’s Data Protection Officer, is on leave from today (22nd July) until 30th July.  If you have any GDPR related issues while he is on leave, such

Wellbeing Wednesday- Heat Health

Keep cool and safe this week during the extreme heat. Follow Public Health England advice to keep you and your family and friends safe in the hot weather. Please see

Training Hut

The Training Hut has not been in use during the pandemic and to bring it back to a safe venue for meetings, requires effort and resources, which isn’t currently possible.

Hot Weather

Please be advised that we will reach Heatwave Alert Level 3 over this weekend. Please be aware in this hot weather of how you can keep cool and stay hydrated:

Missing Keyring

Has anyone seen a key ring with a fob on it and the letter ‘R’? This is believed to be lost at Pippbrook. If found, please contact or call