Bugs in Pippbrook

We have a little bug problem at Pippbrook – in the shape of fruit flies in the plants (soil gnats). We are dealing with it; they do not bite and

Pippbrook Fire Evacuation Procedure Update

We have recently updated our Fire Evacuation Procedure for Pippbrook Offices. Please make sure you have reviewed the document to ensure you fully understand the procedures and know what to

Fire alarm system

Between 4pm and 7pm today engineers will be working on the fire alarm system in Pippbrook. There is a possibility the alarm will go off during the works. The engineers

Plants in the office

When in the office, please do not water the plants, even if they look dry! They are in good hands with the cleaners.

Vending Machine

You will be pleased to know the snack vending machine is back up and running!!!! It’s now a contactless machine, so unfortunately you can no longer use cash. Please follow

Meeting Rooms

The pre pandemic luxury of having meeting rooms physically restored to ‘factory setting’ each day cannot be easily achieved in Hybrid working. Furniture was rearranged to a pre-set configuration, partition

Fire Doors – Security Risk

External fire doors have been found open recently and staff have been seen using them to exit the Pippbrook offices. This is a serious security risk – please use staff doors