Wellbeing Wednesday

Importance of social contact:  studies continue to show that social contact continues to be more important than ever. Lockdown mental fatigue is rapidly reversed by social contact, study finds.  This

Wellbeing Wednesday

As we go into the Christmas break, it is very important we continue to connect with family and friends. Here is some information about how to continue to nurture our

Wellbeing Wednesday – Wheel of Wellbeing

If you are looking at new or different ways to boost your wellbeing take a look at the Wheel of Wellbeing – https://www.healthysurrey.org.uk/mental-wellbeing/adults/wheel-of-well-being

Wellbeing Wednesday – Stress Awareness Day

Today (3 November) is stress awareness day. National Stress Awareness Day was set up by the International Stress Management Association, with the mission of raising awareness of the effects of