A warning from the ICO.

The article below was recently published in the compliance news section of the Privacy and Data Protection Journal.  Email usage continues to present the highest risk to MVDC in terms

UK GDPR – Hardcopy Reminder

There are a number of measures in place to prevent electronic data breaches occurring, but don’t forget hardcopy containing personal data is equally important.  Please see below for actions that

UK GDPR – Hybrid working

As we settle in to this new way of hybrid working, it would be helpful to provide staff with a UK GDPR reminder.  Please remember to: Practise good computer security,

UK GDPR – Using blank form templates

Recently there have been some UK GDPR Breaches caused by staff sending out a pre-populated form template which they believed to be blank.  Fortunately no further action has been taken

GDPR arrangements for this week

Tom Penlington, the Council’s Data Protection Officer, is on leave from today (22nd July) until 30th July.  If you have any GDPR related issues while he is on leave, such