New Policy – Website Accessibility

Our continuous effort in maintaining that MVDC websites are accessible will not be a surprise to anyone.   We would like to say a massive thank you to all the staff who

Public Space CCTV Review

We want to hear from anyone who works or lives in Mole Valley about the value they put on public space CCTV – and that very much includes staff! There

Draft Council Strategy consultation launch

Following on from the Staff and Member workshops held in July, Officers have been busy working with Cabinet to finalise MVDC’s Draft Council Strategy for consultation. The consultation is now

New Meeting Room – The Purple Room

The Purple room is now available on the meeting room booking system. It is located in the old Post Room off reception; it’s small and humble, suitable for maximum 4

Christmas leave 2023

Each year MVDC closes for the bank holidays plus one additional day which is agreed by SLT. This means this year that opening hours will be – Monday 25th– Closed (Christmas Day) Tuesday 26th–

Through the Lens – Winning Photograph

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the Through the Lens Photography competition is Kate Chapman from Dorking Halls who submitted a beautiful photograph of a double rainbow

Taste Local at Dorking Halls

This summer, Dorking Halls is looking forward to welcoming a different Surrey-based food or drink producer each Tuesday as part of our new Taste Local event.  Taking place in our

£6 Cinema tickets!

All MVDC staff automatically enjoy the benefits of being a Friend of Dorking Halls. What you may not yet know is that they have just updated their membership benefits and

Choose to Refuse

Plastic Free July – Choose to Refuse!

Will you join the millions of people around the world taking part to beat plastic pollution?  The theme for this year’s campaign is ‘small steps, big difference’! What step will you choose