Pipprook Security

We are gradually coming out of lockdown but we are not there yet! As the restrictions are easing and more staff are coming back to the office please be aware

Wellbeing Wednesday Mental Health Support

Coping with going into work during coronavirus. If you’re going into work during coronavirus, our guidance may help you feel more able to cope. Our information provides tips for understanding difficult

Mole Valley Staff Social Room

Don’t forget the Mole Valley Staff Social Room is available every Tuesday 12-1pm. This is an open teams chat for staff to join, catch up with colleagues you’d see around

Heritage Open Days Returns

England’s largest festival of history and culture will take place from 10 to 19 September 2021, and Mole Valley’s event holders are being encouraged to register online. Heritage Open Days

Shine Award For Dorking Halls Tech Team

We could not have delivered our three elections on 6th May without the incredible support from the team at Dorking Halls. From early January this year, Michael and Dan got