Arrangements To Shield

Arrangements to ‘shield’ anybody Clinically Extremely Vulnerable To Coronavirus and Medical Risk Assessments for anybody who is Clinically Vulnerable. If you have, or develop, a medical condition that means you

A Massive Thank You To The Benefits Team

The Benefits Team have received some excellent feedback for their work with the Covid Isolation Payment applications. “I just wanted to reply to say how grateful I am that you

High Res Photos Of Leatherhead Needed

Transform Leatherhead are after some High Res photos of Leatherhead.  We know there are some keen photographers out there….we have seen their fabulous work on Workplace, so if anyone has

A Big Well Done To Angie

Angie has received some excellent feedback: ‘I just wanted to say a massive thank you for everything you have done for me… you believed in me and that means a


New National Lockdown

Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “Following the government’s announcement last night, England has returned to a national lockdown. The rules now in place closely resemble