EAP Webinar: Planning For Success

Learn how to limit stress and plan for success by viewing the Employee Assistance Programme’s free webinar. For more information on the Employee Assistance Programme and previous webinars, click here.

Praise For Mole Valley Life TEC Teams

Last week the Mole Valley Life teams received praise from two separate clients: “THE CLIENT WOULD LIKE IT PASSED ON THAT WE OFFER AN EXCELLENT SERVICE AND SHE IS VERY

Mole Valley Staff Social Room

Don’t forget the Mole Valley Staff Social Room will be open again this week and available every Tuesday 12-1pm. This is an open teams chat for staff to join, catch

Documents At Pippbrook

A member of the public has advised us that he sent in some documents via recorded delivery for Housing on the 5th February which were signed for at Pippbrook.  These

The Data Protection Policy Has Been Updated

You can view the latest version on Molly here: https://stagingmolly.molevalley.gov.uk/gdpr/. We have also made available a version with the track changes so that you can see what’s new. The key