OD Strategy 2019 – 22

The OD Strategy has now completed however the HR team continue to work to identify practical initiatives to improve recruitment and retention, using a variety of data including an annual Staff Survey.

Here are details of the last Staff Survey – conducted in 2022.

You can read about what we did under the Strategy here:

Mole Valley’s OD (Organisational Development) Strategy brings together a mixed bag of different actions – some big, some small, some quick, some longer running, some simple, some more complex. These are grouped under five priority areas. The purpose of our OD Strategy is all about Mole Valley being a great place to work. This is so we can recruit and retain the best people, so that our services can be the very best possible for our residents and businesses.

You can read about each of the priorities below.

By the end of each of the first two years we could clearly see progress in a variety of indicators we track. We have made significant improvements on our staff satisfaction levels to 100% of survey respondents in 2019, 93% in 2020 (with an over 70% response rate). This compares to 52% in 2009; 66% in 2012 and 83% in 2018.

Additionally we recorded a 65% reduction in costs of interims – demonstrating our success in recruitment and retention. Some services have been given specific funding for interim support during Covid – removing these from the equation by the end of year 2 we can demonstrate an 85% reduction in interim spend comparing January 2021 to January 2019 (prior to the Strategy).

Despite Covid, 40 people started work with us over the course of the year. This compares to the first year of the Strategy – where 75 new people joined us – representing around a quarter of our headcount. Some of these roles were in areas that can typically be hard to recruit to, so it is likely that many if not all of the people joining us will have had other opportunities and to have actively chosen MVDC as a place to work. This shows we have a good employer brand. These days many people do not find the prospect of staying in one role, for ever, attractive, but instead want us to develop them for further opportunities either here or elsewhere. However it takes all sorts, and you can read more about our approach in our full OD Strategy.

Priority 1 - Leadership and Management

Priority 1 – Leadership and Management

Leadership and Management is the number one priority for our Organisational Development Strategy. It underpins all the other priority areas ...
Priority 2 - Recruiting the Best People

Priority 2 – Recruiting the Best People

Turnover provides opportunities internally and demonstrates that, if you work for MVDC you will get marketable experience and development to ...
Priority 3 - Wellbeing and Resilience

Priority 3 – Wellbeing and Resilience

We want to keep our workforce as healthy as possible. Physical health tends to be easier to focus on - ...
Priority 4 - Learning and Development

Priority 4 – Learning and Development

Providing opportunities to continue to develop, learn and grow are most likely to retain the interest and commitment, of staff ...
Priority 5 – Enhancing Our Flexible Working Offer

Priority 5 – Enhancing Our Flexible Working Offer

From the minute you join us you will be given a laptop and, depending on the job that you do, ...