Customer Care

Branding Essentials Molly Customer Care

Providing good Customer Care is part of our Corporate Values.

We have an agreed set of standards and a Customer Promise that we all work to and we continue to look for different ways to improve how we deliver Customer Care every day. Below are various ways that MVDC demonstrates its commitment to delivering good customer care. Scroll down for a handy ‘Guidance and Advice’ section.

Corporate Values

Corporate Values

Everybody has their own personal values which tend to influence how they behave and the decisions they make in their ...
Customer Promise

Customer Promise

Our Customer Promise is closely aligned to our Corporate Values. Entitled ‘Our Promise to You’ we make the following promise ...
Standards of Service

Standards of Service

These are our corporate standards of service that we all need to adhere to: 80% of calls to be answered ...
Shine Awards

Shine Awards

If you know someone/a team who works for MVDC or for one of our partner organisations and they go out ...
Customer Services Unit (CSU)

Customer Services Unit (CSU)

Here you can find out more about the Customer Services Unit and what the team does. The CSU’s main purpose ...
Customer Care Champions

Customer Care Champions

Every service area has its own Customer Care Champions. They work together with the Customer Care Manager (Louise) and the ...

Guidance and Advice

To help us deliver good Customer Care we have published guidance and advice below. Topics include:

  • Empathy
  • Writing Emails
  • Managing Unreasonable Calls
  • Phone Calls

See our tone of voice guidance for communicating in a simple and consistent manner across all our channels.

See our style guide for information on how to use our visual identity and logo in printed and digital communications.

For questions about Customer Care, please talk to Louise Bircher x3155.

Telephone Calls

Telephone Calls

Telephone calls make conversations human and it is important that we adapt our tone correctly. Here you'll find guidance on ...
Managing Unreasonable Calls

Managing Unreasonable Calls

In line with our values, we expect staff to treat everyone with respect and we also expect customers to treat ...
Email Guidance

Email Guidance

Please remember all emails must be acknowledged within three working days and answered in full within 10 working days. These ...
Empathy Guidance

Empathy Guidance

Empathy is a powerful way of demonstrating you have listened to and understand the customer's point of view. It is ...