Flu Jabs

Flu Jab appointments for Park House on 12th October and Pippbrook (Reigate Road) on 13th October are fully booked.

If you have booked an appointment please have it diarised and arrive promptly with your completed consent form .

Flu jabs at Pippbrook being carried out on a Wed and this day is likely to be busy in the office. If you have booked an appointment for Pippbrook and live locally it is encouraged that you work from home that day (unless of course you need to come in for another purpose!) Please discuss this with your manager.

Pippbrook Flu Jabs will be administered in the Reigate Road building. This has a separate entrance and does not require you to enter the main office building. Please arrive for your appointment 5 mins before and wait in the waiting room (Wellbeing room) at Reigate Road. If the waiting room is occupied please wait outside the building until it becomes free.

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine and how it works please read the attached leaflet which provides further information.

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