Hybrid working – coming in midweek? – please think again!  

Please see below a message from Karen

“I know we are all busy talking within our teams about what days we will be coming in to Pippbrook. I understand that arrangements are highly likely to vary according to the service/job that you work in. Some of us are working a rota to make sure that attendance is split across the week, sometimes we need to come in for team meetings and some of us need to come in for committee meetings etc. I am not asking you to review those plans.

However, it is clear that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are going to be busier than Mondays and Fridays. I am therefore asking that, if you have a choice over which days you attend, you consider coming in on a Monday or a Friday instead.

The reason I am keen to push this is that the only other alternative will be to reinstate a booking system. I understand the practical difficulties and uncertainty that this would bring week to week and am keen to avoid it if at all possible – so please do what you can to help split attendance more evenly across the week.

In order to help with this we are very conscious that flu jabs are being carried out on Wed 13th October – if you have booked a slot and live relatively local we would encourage you to work from home that day and attend your appointment from home (unless of course you need to come in for another purpose!). Please discuss this with your manager.   

Finally, following consultation, as per our prior Molly message here is the Hybrid Working Policy to accompany our pilot with effect from Monday 4th October.  As stated at the All Staff Briefing, we will continue to review how this is working in practice as we go along, and more formally after a few months of using it”

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