Works in Pippbrook Offices

In the early part of this year the council was successfully awarded money via a sustainability grant to carry out works to both the Pippbrook offices and Dorking Halls.

In Pippbrook, works will be carried to the mechanical plant in order to improve its efficiency and in so doing reduce our carbon footprint.

There will be some minor disruption to the heating and hot water as the new equipment is installed and updates will be posted via Molly.

The works are due to start on Tuesday 21st September and will initially be outside the building where some areas around the access ramp to the roof car park will be coned off.

However, over the course of the next four weeks, you can expect to see contractors working within the building although it will be mainly in the plant rooms so disruption should be minimal.

If you have any questions, please contact either Ismina Harvey or John Menlove who have been working together to deliver this project.

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