Digital Wellbeing – Unhealthy digital usage, what can we do about it?

Technology and its usage is ever growing, we are not able to work (and in most cases live) without it, so what can we do to ensure that we make healthy choices when it comes to digital usage?

Here are some ideas and links to information you might find useful:

1 – Recognise and understand the problem (if there is one). You can’t fix what you don’t know is broken so this is a good first step to addressing any imbalances in unhealthy digital usage. There are lots of articles, YouTube videos and webinars on the subject so have a look and see what suits you. Here are a few that may help get you started:

Introducing Digital Wellbeing Experiments – Youtube video by Google

Why our screens make us less happy – Ted Talk by Adam Alter

Brain Health consequence of digital technology use – Dialogues in clinical neuroscience

Negative Effects of Technology – Medical News Today

Are your digital habits sustainable? –

2 – Learn good habits. Its not rocket science but sometimes we all need reminding about healthy digital usage to be at our most productive.

Most articles about healthy digital habits include suggestions such as:

  • Turn off notifications (or setting notifications to come on at specific times)
  • Keep your smart phone at arm’s length or switched off while working and sleeping
  • Limit smart phone/non essential app usage (particularly social media)
  • Take screen breaks and move away from your work station/device while on a break
  • Maintain good face to face interactions/connections

Here are some useful links and further reading to help you develop healthy digital habits:

Staff Hubs Email Usage Guide supports the principles of digital wellbeing and is a good starting point when looking at your digital habits.

Don’t panic, World! – some ideas and tips to support you during pandemic pandemonium (

7 Ways to Cultivate Health Digital Habits

5 Digital Habits to Work Better, Faster and More Creatively

Build Healthy digital Habits – for families (google tech)

3 – Switch it off and do something else

There are lots of ideas already available on Molly to support social activity without tech. The Staff Social is just one! If you are coming to socialise on Thursday this will be a good start to reconnecting with colleagues and trying some new outdoor activities.

Staff benefits provide discounted rates for a range of outdoor activities (gym membership, attractions, eating out etc)

Digital Detox Research –

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