Wellbeing Wednesday – Confidence in Returning to the Office

For those who haven’t had the confidence to return to Pippbrook yet, please read Kate’s story about her experience of being in the office.

“I have been coming back in to the office about once a week since the severe restrictions from the first lock down were lifted.

When I first came in I wasn’t nervous at all.  I had read the guidance on Molly and was very prepared for the Covid safe changes that had been implemented.

When you enter the building through the staff entrance door there is hand sanitiser, a “no hands” device has been fitted to the internal door so that you can open it with your foot and once inside you just follow the arrows around the one way system which take you directly to your desk (even if you might think you are going the wrong way just keep following them and you will get to your destination without encountering anyone coming the other way!!). 

Of course not everyone follows the rules quite as diligently as they should but because of the low numbers allowed in the building at any one time there is still a good distance between you and anyone else.  And there is plenty of room in the break out area and the loos.

There is a good atmosphere whenever you are in the office.  It is nice to catch up with colleagues you haven’t seen for a while and you do get a sense of “normality” from sitting at your own desk.

The best thing is taking a break from the computer.  When I am working at Pippbrook I have to walk much further to get a cup of tea (especially with the one way system) and I also tend to take more of a structured lunch break where I actually get out of the office for a walk – something I am much less likely to do when working from home.

Overall I would recommend coming in to the office, especially if you are struggling with working at home but are nervous about taking that first step.  If you follow the guidance it really is very safe and a positive experience.

Who knows what changes will be coming our way over the winter months but I will continue to come to work in the office for as long as it is safe to do so.”

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