Update on Future working arrangements for Pippbrook based staff


We would like to update you on some discussions SLT has been having, earlier this week, about how we work best as government restrictions due to the pandemic are relaxed.  Whilst this update mostly relates to Pippbrook, please be assured that Emma and Rachel will also be having separate discussions with Keith and Stuart in relation Dorking Halls and Park House. For the time being, Hands Face Space continues to apply after Monday 19th.  All current office rules such as meticulous hygiene, wearing a face covering (unless exempt) when moving around the office, socially distancing, etc.– in line with my previous message will continue to apply to all our premises.

Time in the office can really lift the daily slog of working at a screen, so we encourage you to begin to work in Pippbrook again, you can book a slot here – there are plenty of spaces.  It’s been great seeing some different faces and getting an office buzz again. As always, by now this should go without saying, but just in case (!) please don’t come in if you’re symptomatic or have to self-isolate for any reason connected to Coronavirus.

The exciting news is that:  With effect from Monday 4th October we plan to move into a new phase of working arrangements. For some services, this will mean a return to the office.  For others, your manager may agree that you can work in a more hybrid manner – with a mixture of time spent in the office and working remotely.

Whilst we didn’t expect to have to do it, on such a scale and so suddenly, it’s clear that some jobs and therefore services have benefitted from not being purely office based.  So far as possible, we want to retain, and maximise, these benefits. The experience has also taught us that there are some things that just work better in an office, some people work better in an office, and some jobs don’t work at all remotely. This is what we will be working through in a new Hybrid Working Policy.

We will be using the Summer months to develop and refine this policy, initially through our Business Managers, who will need to review whether it can apply to their services or particular jobs within it.  There will be parameters within which the policy operates too, and these need to be fine-tuned.

So at this stage, it’s not possible to give you all those details, but here are the key takeaways we want you to have for now. (Please note, if things change again as a result of the pandemic, this may need to be adapted – we’re getting used to that!  But, on the assumption that it doesn’t – here is what we are working towards):

  • With effect from Monday 4th October – anybody who wants to work every day (or their whole working time) in the office can do so (but don’t forget you can do this already, with your managers permission,  by booking regular slots)
  • Some services/jobs/people will be able to work in a hybrid manner – spending only part of their time in the office
  • Decisions will be made as to if, or how, hybrid working can apply – on a service by service basis, working with Business Managers over the summer months.  It is not possible at this stage to tell anybody what the result of that assessment will be, ahead of the assessment being made. 
  • Managers will be empowered to lead on team discussions, ideally through the development of a Team Charter that pulls together key elements of a myriad of important issues, including communication
  • Some services/jobs will need to be purely office based, but where possible – flexibility will be given
  • There will be an expectation that everybody spends minimum/pre-defined levels of time in the office
  • It is likely that the minimum expected time in the office will be 2 days each week – as a guide, however there will also be a focus on the nature of the task/meeting etc.  The time is not the only criteria, so if you have spent 2 days in the office, it is irrelevant – you will still need to come to the office if you are doing something or meeting someone that benefits from you being in the office.
  • It is strongly preferable that people meet their whole team, in person, at least once a month and there will be key management/client/internal meetings for which there may be an expectation that people meet in person
  • One key element of making this work is that minimum office attendance is not just about tasks, but to re-build the sense of community that MVDC has historically enjoyed.  Everybody will be expected to play their part in this, and for some part-time staff, it will not work to make pro rata apportionments.  (This is the kind of detail that still needs to be worked through)
  • This change will operate as a pilot – it will be subject to a trial period – no contracts or working bases will be changed.  It will operate as a concession, however your manager will be entitled to require you to work in the office in the absence of extenuating circumstances either if there are problems, or as a part of the implementation of the policy.
  • If the trial period doesn’t work, either for us as an organisation, for a team, or for an individual – it can be terminated. Whilst notice will be given in most cases, it will depend on the circumstances.

Whilst we are really excited to announce our intention to enter into this new phase of working, we do need time to work with Business Managers to refine the detail.

There may also be some knock on impacts on how we use our building. We want to allow and encourage people to collaborate, share ideas, and enjoy talking to human beings in person again.

As the office gets busier, you are requested to wear headphones if you are on teams calls in the open office.  In this way, your virtual meeting should be no louder than a telephone call and you are protecting the confidentiality of your meeting participants – who may not be comfortable with their comments being overheard.  Clearly if the meeting is particularly sensitive or confidential, you should book a room or work in one of the more soundproofed pods (near the Blue/pink and Green rooms).

I am sure there will be lots of questions, many of which we will be working on, and some we will not yet have thought of. So please bear with us as we put some shape to these principles. In the meantime we wanted to let you all know that you can put the date in your diaries and plan to be in an office environment again after the Summer.

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