Wellbeing Wednesday: Overloaded by emails? Read on…

From June 2018, Staff Hub have been looking at how emails are used at MVDC and ways that they can be improved to reduce any negative impact on employee wellbeing and productivity. 

There is some guidance which has been published on the Staff Hub page, but due to new working patterns, as a result of Covid, it is worth revisiting the guidance to see what has changed.

Emails have their place. Many people use them as a task list or as an essential organisational tool, but to others they can be a potential source of stress.

If you feel overwhelmed with emails or if you are experiencing email fatigue and feel unfulfilled by the end of the week, please contact wellbeing@molevalley.gov.uk

By understanding the issues staff are facing, the guidance can be re-evaluated and updated to reflect the new ways of working. 

For your say contact staffhub@molevalley.gov.uk or, if you would rather, you can get in touch with Wellbeing via Teams!

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