Working in Council owned buildings post 19 July


Dear colleague

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement earlier in the week SLT has given some thought to any changes we will make in working practices within Pippbrook, Dorking Halls, Park House or the Fairfield Centre from 19 July (assuming it is confirmed that we will move to stage 4 of the roadmap on this date).

Given that double vaccination provides the greatest level of protection we want as many staff as possible to have had the opportunity to have been double vaccinated before we consider removing any of the control measures currently in place. As such, if you attend work within any council owned premises you are expected to continue to follow the rules that apply e.g in relation to wearing face coverings, hand hygiene, following one way systems etc. The booking system at Pippbrook for up to 30 people continues as before. Please note that these rules apply to the Police and Social care while working in Pippbrook – they are supportive of this.

While the rules which apply to the public attending shows, cinema etc at Dorking Halls will change this won’t impact on the measures we have put in place to protect our staff. Plastic screens will therefore remain in place, as will other all other controls e.g staff will continue to have to wear face coverings when moving about the venue (unless exempt), have excellent hand hygiene and remain 2m away from customers wherever possible.   

We are very aware of the continued vulnerability of some of our Mole Valley Life customers and, while the Fairfield Centre will gradually begin to re-open, this will be in accordance with an agreed risk assessment designed to protect both staff and customers. All other Mole Valley Life services will continue to operate as at the current time with any changes to control measures being carefully assessed before implementation.

All external visits should have restarted some time ago – while it may be that it is more effective and efficient to continue with some of the novel alternative approaches adopted during lockdown, where you need to visit we are asking that you continue to implement all the controls you currently have in place e.g in relation to social distancing, use of PPE , hand hygiene etc.

All these measures and controls will be kept under continual review with the expectation that a number may be able to be lifted at some stage in the future.

You will also have heard that the rules around who has to self-isolate etc are likely to change in mid-August. We will clearly provide you with details of any changes in approach nearer the time but in the meantime you must not attend any council owned building if you have any covid symptoms – you must self-isolate and arrange to have a PCR test (which must be negative) before coming in. Likewise you must not attend if you are required to self-isolate for any reason (e.g close contact with a positive person or return from abroad). If you take ill while at work you must go home immediately. We continue to encourage all staff to take regular lateral flow tests.   

You will also be aware that SLT is considering what our new way of working might look like. It is this piece of work which will determine how/where we all work from on a day to day basis. Key to these discussions was a need to understand what stance the Government was going to take re the need to continue to work from home, together with any control measures that we would legally have to put in place in the longer term – now that this is clearer we will progress this work as quickly as we can and share our thoughts as soon as possible. This work will also consider any changes we would like to recommend to Members in relation to how reception operates in the future.     

I do hope that this information is helpful. As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to you manager of any member of SLT.

Best wishes


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