Last Night At Full Council The Leader

Last night at Full Council the Leader (Cllr Stephen Cooksey) announced his Cabinet for 2021/22. A full breakdown of new responsibilities will be circulated as soon as we have them but, in the meantime, Cllr Cooksey explained that –

Councillor David Draper continues as Deputy Leader and combines that post with the Leisure and Tourism portfolio. This adds Tourism to his existing responsibilities for Leisure, Culture and Sport.

Councillor Claire Malcomson will lead a Climate change portfolio which will concentrate exclusively on furthering this Council’s policies in that area.

Councillor Bridget Kendrick retains the Finance Portfolio and responsibility for budget preparation and implementation

Councillor Margaret Cooksey retains the Planning Portfolio

Councillor Keira Vyvyan-Robinson retains responsibility for the Transform Leatherhead project, asset management and property and will also lead a number of time-limited projects in other areas.

Councillor Clayton Wellman willundertake the re-titled Sustainable Economy and Security portfolio which adds all aspects of town and village centre security to his responsibilities economic development, Opportunity Dorking and car parking.

Councillor Paul Kennedy takes responsibility for a new Internal Services Portfolio which will cover a range on internal Council areas including Customer Services and Democratic Services but will also take responsibility for Governance issues.

Councillor Caroline Salmon takes responsibility for the new Community Services portfolio which will cover a range of services including Housing, Waste and Recycling and Wellbeing.

Details of Chair/Vice Chairs of committees will be available on our website soon. The Leader and Deputy Leader of the opposition are Cllr James Friend and Cllr Richard Moyse respectively.

Councillor Chris Hunt is Chair.

Councillor Paul Potter is vice-Chair.

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