Wellbeing Wednesday: Ways To Make Calls Less Stressful

“I think you’re on mute” – Ways to make video calls less stressful.

We all need to take time ask whether we’re new tools in the best possible way, so we work well together – regardless of where we’re sat.

Whilst “they” say 90% of communication is non-verbal, and the science says otherwise, there’s no doubt at the moment we’re all spending far more time on video calls than previously.

There are plenty of articles (and indeed research papers) exploring the benefits of seeing someone’s face when you’re having a conversation, but equally many of us are finding the endless stream of streaming becoming tiring, and none of the problems of stepping on each other speaking, people being on mute, or even the occasional naked participant or visit to the toilet, seem to be going away. For those who might be more introverted, video calls can create anxiety, and getting your ideas across is often confidence-denting at the best of times, yet alone when half the room is buffering.

Technology can be amazing, but it always comes down to how much consideration you put in, to how well it will work for you and your needs.

Here are seven suggestions for helping reduce the stress and improve the communication within video calls.

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