Booking to work at Pippbrook

I promised that once we got to the other side of the elections we would free up additional spaces to come in to Pippbrook. As a result, with effect from 10 May, there will be 30 slots available morning and afternoon – you can book half a day or a full day if you would prefer. It’s important your manager knows who is working where, so do talk to them before booking.  

Please note that this doesn’t impact on those teams who have had to have an office presence throughout – that arrangement continues without the need for booking.

I know a number of you are keen to get back into the office from time to time and perhaps arrange a day for some of your team to also be there – that’s fine – just bear in mind that you must follow the office rules at all times (available here) – please remember to wear a face covering when you’re moving around the office or seeing visitors/customers (unless exempt). The need to maintain a 2m separation distance means that you may not be able to sit at your own desk – if this is the case please use one of the designated hot desks (there is currently one near Piers Mason’s desk and another opposite my desk). FM are currently identifying other desks we can use and I will send out more details as soon as I can. Using a hotdesk is important as these will be cleaned every night.

I do hope that this increased flexibility is welcomed and look forward to seeing some of you face to face over the coming weeks.

Best wishes


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