Be Vigilant When Receiving Texts And Phone Calls From Unknown Numbers

Yesterday, one of Mole Valley Life’s clients fell victim to a very clever phone scam.

The lady received a text from her supposed daughter saying her phone was out of order so she was using a different one. The texter asked her Mum if she was ok after having her vaccination. As it happens, the client had had her second vaccine the day before. The texter then went on to say she was in trouble and needed Mum’s help. The lady tried to call the number back but couldn’t get through. The lady was so worried for her daughter she sent her her bank details. The texter then sent a text back asking for the security number on the back of her card. £857 was then attempted to be spent on shopping. Fortunately, it flagged up as unusual activity with her bank and the money wasn’t paid out. The lady has since reported this to the Fraud squad but wanted to make us aware so that we could warn others.

Anyone can fall victim to a scam, so please be vigilant and remind those who are vulnerable to be vigilant too. For further information on how to keep yourself and those you care for safe, please visit:

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