HRH, The Duke of Edinburgh

I am sure you will all by now have heard the sad news of the passing of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh.

The Union Flag is flying at half-mast at Pippbrook and will fly until after the funeral and the Chairman has issued a statement on behalf of the Council. 

Whist the Council will continue to operate services as normal, we do need to be mindful of public activity and communications undertaken to ensure it is appropriate during this period of national mourning. Please do speak to your SLT Lead should you have any concerns about this.

An electronic national book of condolence has been set up, for those wishing to offer their sympathies.


  • Howe, Ron says:

    Thank you for this. It is an unprecedented event and the Royal Navy have orders to fly their ensigns at half-mast until further notice. I assume that will change following Saturday’s funeral. As the Sea Cadets Admiral, The DofE has been a very important figure to me throughout my life as both a Royal Navy Cadet and Sea Cadet since 1967, especially in regard to the DofE Award Scheme.

  • Howe, Ron says:

    So the Government/MOD instructions are that all flags are to remain at half-mast until 8am Sunday morning and that a 1 minute silence is to be observed at 3pm Saturday.

    • Howe, Ron says:

      clearly the flag is still hauled down each evening (sunset) but raised to half mast each day it is flown until Sun. 8am.

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