Mole Valley District Council Business Recovery Scheme


Mole Valley District Council business recovery scheme set to offer guided support for high street reopening.

Results from a recent Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) business survey have given strong direction to the type of assistance and support required by local businesses as they follow the national roadmap out of lockdown and prepare to return safely to the high street.

Over 270 local businesses responded to the survey, with 94% stating that the range of available grants had served as the most helpful form of support during the pandemic, followed by ‘information on guidance and support’ at 41%.

When asked what forms of assistance would prove valuable in the coming months, to enable MVDC to tailor their new recovery support scheme, 61% of businesses requested help with financial information and signposting to available grants whilst 34% said they would like to see communications campaigns to promote customer confidence and encourage local shopping, building upon the Mole Valley Together ‘Shop Local’ campaign of last year.

Almost a third of respondents expressed a need for advice on employment and HR issues and returning to the workplace securely. Covid security is clearly at the forefront of many minds and MVDC’s Environmental Health team is already poised to assist and support.

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