Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey


Statement from Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council.

Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “I am pleased to see that the level of infection across the county continues to decline, with Mole Valley reporting one of the lowest rates in Surrey. Further positive news in the vaccine rollout now sees people aged 56 to 59 being invited to book an appointment, hot on the heels of those aged 60 and over.

“As of Monday (8 March) this week, the country entered Stage 1 of the roadmap out of lockdown. This has seen all pupils return to school and students go back to Further Education too, in addition to being able to meet with one person from another household outside. A final measure of note is the launch of a mandatory form that all passengers travelling abroad from England will now be required to complete and carry with them, declaring their reason for travel. As I mentioned in my message last week, the next roadmap milestone is scheduled for 29 March, but this is completely reliant on numbers continuing to fall and the vaccine rollout progressing well. Please continue to follow the rules in place. Each and every one of us can do our little bit to help reduce the spread and help the country reach this next stage.

See Full Article Here

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