Pre-Election Publicity

19th March (from 5pm) – End of Elections on 6th May

It’s that time of year again when we need to start thinking carefully about what we put out into the public domain during the Pre-Election period. Further guidance is attached here.

This includes all publicity and attendance at meetings (even virtual ones!) The Pre-Election period officially starts on Monday 22nd March when the Notice of Election is published.

In practice for our Comms team this will mean that any campaigns and publicity go very quiet and we focus purely on any health related or essential messaging during this time.  We are unable to highlight current campaigns, launch new campaigns or feature any Councillors.

If you have anything that you are due to do during this time that you are in any way unsure about, please can you check in with Liz, Magdalena, Bella or Dia before you go ahead.

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