Arrangements To Shield

Arrangements to ‘shield’ anybody Clinically Extremely Vulnerable To Coronavirus and Medical Risk Assessments for anybody who is Clinically Vulnerable.

If you have, or develop, a medical condition that means you are clinically vulnerable or extremely vulnerable to Coronavirus, you must inform your manager. 

If you are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable you will be informed by your GP or the NHS.  If you receive notification, please make your manager aware straight away.

Under the current government guidance anybody who has medical confirmation that they are Clinically Extremely Vulnerable must ‘shield’ – this means staying at home even if your normal job requires you to attend site visits/the office.

If you are not in this category but believe you are Clinically Vulnerable your medical profile must be risk assessed to ensure all workarounds to reduce risk have been considered and put in place.  See the guidance for which factors are relevant to this category.

The general position remains that only tasks that are essential to service delivery and cannot reasonably be done at home, must be conducted out of the home.  During this period full compliance with all Risk Assessments is essential. If you are in any doubt please speak to your Business Manager or Executive Head as appropriate. 

Please be reassured:

  • Medical risk assessments are confidential – between the employee and the Medwyn Occupational Health service – the manager will only be notified of the outcome of the assessment and given advice on suggested protective measures. 
  • The assessment is conducted virtually – there is no need to attend the clinic in person. 
  • If you have already had the medical assessment, our occupational health service have confirmed that unless your medical profile has changed the existing risk assessment remains applicable.  In their medical opinion, whilst the new variant of Covid-19 is highly transmissible, the risk of complications from infection are no different.
  • A number of employees have already had the assessment and the feedback given is that the process can be very reassuring, in most situations the risk is assessed as low due to the nature of work and the Covid protective measures taken on each of our premises.

If you do not inform your manager, you may be required to attend the office or conduct visits/patrols if the task/visit is essential, cannot reasonably be done from home, and your job requires it.  There may be unexpected situations that require you to attend the office/conduct a visit etc. in line with the duties and expectations of the post.  If you have not notified your manager that you are vulnerable, or have not proceeded with your medical assessment, it will not be possible to risk assess what you may be required to do.

Please therefore speak to your manager if this is relevant to you.

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