Guidance: For Clinically Extremely Vulnerable And Clinically Vulnerable Categories

Important Guidance For Clinically Extremely Vulnerable And Clinically Vulnerable Categories In Tier 4.

As you will be aware, most of Surrey (with the exception of Waverley) moved to Tier 4 restrictions on 20th December. The government guidance about the restrictions in Tier 4 is still emerging.  

Some important guidance has already been issued for those that are clinically extremely vulnerable. Please see this guidance here. The guidance is clear that clinically extremely vulnerable people (i.e. they received a letter from the NHS advising them to shield earlier this year) are advised to shield again if they live in a Tier 4 area. Anyone in this category is advised to work from home only. Please ensure that you have discussed this with your manager if you are in this category. You must only work from home. 

At this point it is unclear if any further guidance will be issued regarding those considered clinically vulnerable (at moderate risk). While risk assessments have already been carried out for anyone who works outside the home and considers that they fall into this category, SLT asks that everyone at moderate risk works at home over the Christmas/New Year period. SLT will review any new guidance published early in the New Year. If this temporary precautionary measure causes any practical issues please speak to your manager.

Please ensure that you update your manager if you move into either one of the categories above so a risk assessment can be carried out. 

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