­­­­Winners Of Mole Valley’s Christmas Window Competition Announced


Mole Valley’s Christmas Window Competition inspired over four hundred votes in just seven days, with entrants listing their top two festive shop front window displays from a choice of striking options available. Businesses from Ashtead, Beare Green, Bookham and Leatherhead took up the challenge to dress their shop windows in the very best Christmas fare.

Councillor Clayton Wellman, Mole Valley District Council’s Cabinet Member for Sustainable Economy, said: “Not only did this competition help raise awareness of the special effort businesses go to at this festive time of year, but it was intended to inspire residents to spend time in our high streets and come to see them – and many other shops – first hand, encouraging people to shop local. With the votes having been counted, it is my pleasure to confirm the five favourite window displays:

  1. Carolina’s Coffee Shop, Great Bookham
  2. Surrey Hills Café, Beare Green
  3. Ildikos Chocolate, Great Bookham
  4. Caremark Mid Surrey & Waverley, Leatherhead
  5. Bumbles, Ashtead

See Full Article Here

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