London And Other Areas Enter Tier 3

Yesterday’s announcement on placing London and other areas in Tier 3 results in no change to previously stated work location principles – booking system still applicable for Pippbrook staff

Please note, if you live in an area that has been placed in Tier 3 (or are required to travel to or through one for work purposes) the situation remains as it was before – i.e. visits should be conducted in accordance with risk assessments and only those staff who fall into one of the following categories should be working from any council owned premises –

  • Those carrying out jobs/tasks which can’t be done from home
  • Those carrying out jobs/tasks which are much slower/more difficult at home
  • Those living in homes which don’t facilitate home working
  • Those who need to attend the office to ensure their personal wellbeing

If Mole Valley or Surrey are placed in Tier 3 the situation above will remain the same until further notice – as things currently stand in the guidance, you are permitted to travel to work in any of the Tiers, if you cannot work from home.

With regards to Pippbrook – As before, some teams have a number of reserved slots as they need staff to attend the offices on a more regular basis to carry out essential tasks. Others, who have agreed with their manager that their reason for attending falls in to one of the categories above, can book a slot on Molly.

Meetings, reception, manager of the day etc. remains as before – please keep an eye on the Staff Coronavirus pages as any general announcements are also placed here.

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