Statement From Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader Of Mole Valley District Council


Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “We stand by our business community in welcoming the extremely positive news that shops, businesses and personal care services will all be able to reopen from 2 December. Now more than ever is the time to support our high streets and rural businesses. Please do take advantage of our weekend free December parking offer to explore our town and village shops. Let’s make it a Mole Valley Christmas. Dorking’s festive lights are already on to welcome you, and Leatherhead’s will be lit up on December 5th.

“Thank you for following the rules regarding keeping each other safe.  We are pleased to see that Mole Valley’s coronavirus cases are reducing.  Please, continue to do what you are doing. Remember ‘Hands Face Space’ to keep yourselves and others safe, save lives and protect the NHS.

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