‘Make It A Mole Valley Christmas’ Campaign To Support Local Businesses


Back in the summer MVDC ran a ‘Back to High Streets Safely’ campaign, which was part of a wider initiative – Mole Valley Together. The campaign was to encourage residents to go back to town centres safely and support local businesses. ‘Make it a Mole Valley Christmas’ is a follow up on this communications campaign. This time, we’ve put together a business directory listing Christmas gift ideas and special offers. Initially the plan was to promote visiting town centres and villages, but in light of the new restrictions, the campaign focus has shifted to online buying and promoting click/call & collect options. We’re also highlighting reasons to shop local.


  • Supporting MV businesses by encouraging residents to shop locally
  • Promoting ways of shopping safely
  • Presenting variety of offers available across our town centres and villages
  • Responding to government restrictions and encouraging retail channels shifting to online; click/call & collect

All households within Mole Valley will receive a brochure promoting local businesses and other local initiatives including Christmas Shop Window competition. The brochure will have a strong focus on the Covid safety aspect.

How can you support?

Please help us spreading the word and promoting the campaign through your channels.

Hashtags to use: #MoleValleyTogether #MoleValleyChristmas

Visit https://molevalleytogether.co.uk/

MVDC Radio

Make It A Mole Valley Christmas Brochure

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