Fertility Treatment

We appreciate that undertaking fertility treatment is an extremely stressful time and we want to be able to support our female employees undergoing IVF. Whilst there is no statutory right to paid time off for those undergoing IVF, the Council can offer those with a minimum of 12 months continuous service, five paid days off per cycle for three cycles of IVF. Further unpaid leave will be considered if required.

We appreciate that undertaking fertility treatment is an extremely stressful time and we want to be able to support our female employees undergoing IVF. Whilst there is no statutory right to paid time off for those undergoing IVF, the Council can offer those with a minimum of 12 months continuous service, five paid days off pro rata per cycle for three cycles of IVF. Further unpaid leave will be considered if required.

The Council can offer those employees who have partners undergoing IVF treatment unpaid time off work to attend two appointments per cycle for three cycles, provided they have a minimum of 12 months continuous service.

Employees undergoing IVF or whose partner is undergoing IVF should speak to their manager to request the paid/unpaid time off work. They will need to provide their manager with documentation from their consultant/hospital confirming their IVF treatment to qualify for the time off. 

When requesting time off for treatment, employees will need to request their absence through iTrent using the absence reason “fertility treatment”.

Managers should keep a record of time taken off work for fertility treatment through this policy.

For further information, please discuss this with either your manager or HR. Any discussions of this nature will be strictly confidential.