49. I’m a trained first aider, what do I need to know?

Arrangements for Pippbrook

A rota for first aiders in Pippbrook has been set up to provide cover between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Ring 4444 and the first aider on duty will assist.

Please note that Spencer will be doing the post most mornings and can usually be contacted on 07768 801981.

PPE (gloves, masks and mouth guards) is available for first aiders. First aid boxes are available in the breakout area on the ground floor. Defibrillators are located in the upstairs and downstairs reception areas.

Arrangements for Dorking Halls

There is a first aider on site every day and enhanced PPE is available for first aiders on site.

First aid boxes can be found in the DM office, bar, admin kitchen, the main kitchen, prompt corner, green room and the mezzanine bar.

Arrangements for Park House

A First Aider will be on site.  Steve Jones can be contacted on 07525 494850. 

Where a first aider is not present then the TECS Team Manager will act as the appointed person and ensure that the emergency services has been/are called where this is required. In the event of an emergency situation 999 should be called and the first aider/ appointed person summonsed.  

The first aid boxes can be found in the Ops/Staff Room and in the admin room. The defibrillator is in the main entrance corridor.

Arrangements for Fairfield Centre

There is always a first aider on site.

First aid boxes are found in the reception area, in the reception office and in the kitchen. There is a defibrillator in the reception area. PPE is available for first aiders on site.

Arrangements for the Depot

There are no staff currently working at the depot. First aider arrangements will be made in the event a return to this site is planned.

IMPORTANT – If you assist anyone who has had an emergency or has fallen ill you must continue to maintain social distancing so far as you are able to do so.  You must pay particular attention to sanitation measures immediately afterwards including washing hands thoroughly. 

The following guidance is for all MVDC trained first aiders:

St Johns Ambulance – Advice for First Aiders

Resuscitation Council Advice

Risk Assessment for First Aiders