Pippbrook: Office Rules

Working in Pippbrook – Rules


  • You are strongly encouraged to have all Covid vaccinations that you are eligible for, as medically advised.
  • If you are at higher risk from covid (e.g. because you are immunosuppressed – for further guidance read here) or in the third trimester of pregnancy then you should tell your manager and arrange for an occupational health assessment to be carried out as soon as possible. If you do not tell your manager, they cannot apply any additional recommended protective measures.

Access to the office

  • Do not come into the office if you have symptoms of a respiratory infection (guidance available here) and feel unwell, or you have symptoms of a respiratory infection and have a high temperature. (You may still work from home if you are not too unwell to do so, and if circumstances allow). You can resume normal work activities out of the home once you feel well enough to do so and no longer have a high temperature if you had one.
  • If you test positive for covid then you must not come into the office for 5 clear days starting with the day after you tested positive or felt unwell (whichever was first). Please talk to your manager to agree when you can return.
  • Visitors must be requested not to attend the office if they are unwell or have tested positive for covid.
  • Signs in reception request customers not to enter if they are unwell or have tested positive for covid.
  • If you develop the symptoms of a respiratory infection and start to feel unwell (or test positive for covid) while in the office you should go home immediately. Your manager should arrange for relevant desks and/or other areas to be closed off pending cleaning. The first aid room is available for anyone who feels unwell and needs to wait to be picked up.
  • There is no general need to stay at home for work purposes if someone in your home has respiratory symptoms or has tested positive however your manager may risk assess the situation within the context of the work that you do. Please contact them in the first instance for guidance if needed. If you develop symptoms, or test positive then you must not attend the office.
  • There is no need to stay home for work purposes if you are aware/informed you have been in contact with an infected individual, unless your manager has specifically advised you otherwise. If you develop symptoms, or test positive then you must not attend the office.

The Office, meeting rooms and reception

  • The ventilation system continues to ensure 100% fresh air intake. The air handling units in meeting rooms must be operational when the room is in use. In rooms where there is no ventilation stand-alone air purifiers must be used when the room is in use. Doors must be left open between meetings.
  • The offices, meeting rooms and reception area, including common touch points, continue to be cleaned daily.
  • The capacity of meeting rooms has reverted to pre-pandemic levels
  • Screens remain in the reception area.


  • You should continue to practice good hand hygiene at all times – hand gel will continue to be available.
  • You should continue to practice good personal hygiene at all times e.g. cough or sneeze into a tissue and dispose of tissue in a lidded bin.
  • You are asked to wipe your desk, break out area table, meeting room desks etc. before and after use. Spray and wipes continue to be available.
  • Managers of people who have become unwell with a respiratory infection, or tested positive for Covid, within 48 hours of attending the office, must ensure thorough cleaning (e.g. by informing the facilities team), and mark out the desk or any equipment you have used so that it is not used until after it has been cleaned.

Working arrangements and moving around the office

  • Unless your manager advises otherwise (e.g. because of business continuity concerns at a particular time or a period straight after you are returning from absence due to Covid or a respiratory infection)
  • You are not generally required to wear a face covering (unless requested for a specific reason such as the above). You are very welcome to wear one if you would like to do so.
  • You are no longer required to keep your distance from others, but can choose to do so. Hot desks continue to be available for those who would prefer not to sit close to others