Relocation Assistance

Where posts have been identified as difficult to recruit and may require incentives or assistance to allow an appointee to relocate in or around the Mole Valley area in order to accept an offer of employment, managers may consider an offer of relocation assistance.

What is Relocation Assistance?

Relocation assistance will only be offered in exceptional circumstances and should be agreed with the relevant Head of Service prior to offer.

Monetary sum made available to appointees to MVDC who are purchasing property or short term renting in particular circumstances as a direct result of appointment, if they are otherwise unable to take up that offer of appointment.

This is not a right. Each case should be determined and assessed on its merits and will depend on the business case for making such an offer.

What assistance can MVDC offer?

  1. Removal costs, Professional fees and Disturbance Allowance

Up to a maximum of £7,500 or 25% of starting salary, in exceptional circumstances, may be offered towards assistance with legal fees, the cost of maintaining two homes, removal expenses etc; or to assist with the repayment of costs to another public sector employer in relation to their relocation.

2. Rental

Up to a maximum of £1,000 may be offered, where an employee is renting, as opposed to purchasing, as a direct result of appointment.

MVDC is not able to offer long term rented accommodation to staff who do not otherwise qualify for housing. In specific cases, where appointment is to a key post and details are confirmed at interview, it may be possible to offer temporary accommodation in units owned either by this authority or Surrey County Council under licence for a period not exceeding 12 months. This facility is designed to offer newly appointed staff the time to purchase property locally and would be subject to availability at the time of appointment.

What happens if an employee who has received relocation assistance leaves MVDC?

In relation to 1: Contributions will be repayable in full if the employee leaves within 2 years of their appointment with MVDC, and less 1/12th for each month they remain beyond 2 years.

In relation to 2: Contributions will be repayable in full if the employee leaves within 6 months of their appointment with MVDC.