Reminder: All-In-Day Wednesday 18 October

All Staff Briefing

This Wednesday 18 October is All In Day! Please see below for details:

  • From 8.15am – selection of breakfast goodies in the breakout area
  • 9.30am – All Staff Briefing, Martineau, Dorking Halls
  • From 12.00 Cake Sale in breakout area to raise funds for Ukraine Action Charity
  • From 12.00 – 2.00pm – Transform Leatherhead pop-up stand in the breakout area


  • Gibson, Theresa says:

    Hey, what about us over at Park House???

    • says:

      All in! Welcome of course. See you tomorrow! 🙂

    • Day, Emma says:

      We really really hoped you would be with us at Pippbrook by now; but you will be here when we hold the next one. Stuart Cole is sharing his thoughts on the big move from Park House to Pippbrook tomorrow, and we are looking forward to organising a welcome event to mark the big move as well. Members of the Property and Regeneration team would be happy to come to a MVL team meeting to talk about Transform Leatherhead and equally we will be in the Swan Centre next Thursday 26 October if you have a chance to come and say hello).

  • Gibson, Theresa says:

    Stuart brought us over some goodies, thank you very much – tucking into a banana as we speak!

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