Staff Hub Update

At Staff Hub last month we discussed a range of topics:

Health and Safety – Staff Hub have a role as the H&S committee for MVDC.  At the meeting we reviewed the H&S objectives and the accidents and incidents report for the year to date.  The reporting forms will soon be moving to Granicus which will make it easier report an incident or a near miss.

Evolve 2026 – At the meeting we discussed the themes that emerged from the 445 ideas that have been generated across MVDC, and which ones will be taken forward.   The Customer Care champions are merging with the CI forum and will meet regularly so that ideas can be signed off and implemented.

Staff Engagement – you may have noticed that Molly Messages now have attention grabbing icons to make it easier to spot when there is something new to read.  We really encourage staff to keep themselves up to date on all things Mole Valley by regularly reading the messages on Molly, but we are looking at other ways of engaging with staff too, including with casuals who don’t have access to Molly.

Staff social events – we have the All In Day coming up on 18th October when there will be a staff breakfast and a charity cake sale for Ukraine.  The Mole Valley Christmas Day is on the 13th December and in April 2024 Mole Valley is turning 50 so there will be plenty to celebrate then!

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