Karen’s SLT Blog

Even though my kids left school long ago I still get that back to school feeling at the start of September – I even find myself missing the queue at Clarks from time to time! Anyhow, welcome back to those of you who had some time away – I hope you found some time to rest and relax.

As I write this I’m preparing for a couple of weeks away and I’m really sorry to say that this means I will miss a first for Mole Valley – this weekend a number of staff and Members will represent us for the first time in the parade at Pride Surrey. I want to say thank you to everyone who volunteered to take part, I’m very sorry that I won’t be there to take part and hope you all have a great time. I look forward to seeing the photographs afterwards. Back at Pippbrook the Pride flag will be flying over the weekend in celebration of Surrey’s LGBTQ community.

We have another celebration coming up as well – MVDC is going to be 50 in 2024. I’ve been in contact with a couple of members of staff who were here in 1974 and they are very keen to work with the Chairman to think about how we can mark the occasion. Lucy and I will be meeting with Pat Hunt, who used to head up our Democratic Services team, and John Tiffney, who was the Chief Environmental Health Officer, in October. I’ll keep you informed of plans as they develop.

Looking ahead, the next few months are shaping up to be very busy with the Medium Term Financial Plan and the Transformation Programme going to Members in November. At the same time the new Council Strategy will be going out to consultation and we’ll be working with Members to think about the annual plan for 2024/25. 

In preparation for all this SLT had 2 workshops this week – the first was with Transformation team and was to help inform a workshop with Cabinet next Friday. At this they will be considering the various budget balancing ideas your teams put forward as part of the service reviews – I can’t thank you enough for your creativity and openness. While it might still be some time before we can provide you with definitive details of what measures we will be implementing over the next 3 years, I am hopeful that we will be able to confirm some projects in the next couple of weeks and get them underway in preparation for the beginning of April. While not wanting to underplay the significant financial challenges that lie ahead, I am going on leave feeling “cautiously optimistic” – the next few years certainly won’t be easy but there is a credible plan coming together.

The second workshop was with the Corporate Governance and Strategy team and focused on the draft Council Strategy, the draft annual plan for 24/25 and performance indicators. I am hoping to set up an all-in day (with breakfast?) in October to be able to start the consultation with you on the Council Strategy and give you as much information as I can about all the other great things we are doing and hope to do in the future. 

I think that’s all for now – as usual I will be leaving you in Piers’ capable hands while I’m away – see you all soon


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