UK GDPR/Data Protection Training 2023

One of our corporate requirements for compliance with the UK GDPR is that all staff must complete introductory and annual UK GDPR training relevant to their role.

In May automated reminders were sent from our e-learning platform Go1 to all staff who hadn’t completed the training within the previous 3 months.

The feedback we are getting is that not everyone received the reminder so we have put together a list of people who are still required to complete the training for 2023.

If you are on the list your manager will let you know and you will receive another automated message from Go1 as an additional reminder (if you have completed the training since 4th July you may still be on the list but will not need to do it again!).

When logging in to Go1, if you have forgotten your password you can click on the link for it to be re-set (don’t forget to check your junk).

If the training isn’t showing on the homepage when first logged in you can go to My Learning and it will be under either “assigned” or “schedule”.  If “schedule” you will be able to see the training and the last date that you completed it, please click on the training and “Review” to start the training again.

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