Flu Season Wellbeing

Flu Season is well and truly upon us and the media has been quick to report increased rates of flu and Coronavirus (Covid 19) cases in the last few months.

In cases of both flu and covid there are a number of ways to help keep yourself and others safe by taking the usual preventative measures (hand washing, vaccinations, staying at home where it is sensible to do so, ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ etc.)

Flu symptoms are outlined on the NHS website and this also sets out the differences between cold and flu. Current Covid symptoms are similar to flu and are also set out on the NHS website here.

It is advisable to prevent the spread of infection as far as is practicable, particularly with flu and covid symptoms, and the NHS offer the following advice:

How to avoid spreading the flu

Flu is very infectious and easily spread to other people. You’re more likely to give it to others in the first 5 days.

Flu is spread by germs from coughs and sneezes, which can live on hands and surfaces for 24 hours.

To reduce the risk of spreading flu:

  • wash your hands often with warm water and soap
  • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze
  • bin used tissues as quickly as possible

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities.

What to do if you have Coronavirus symptoms

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and either:

  • you have a high temperature
  • you do not feel well enough to go to work or do your normal activities

Take extra care to avoid close contact with anyone who is at higher risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19.

You can go back to your normal activities when you feel better or do not have a high temperature.

In cases of both flu and Covid infection it is advised that you try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you have symptoms and either a high temperature or are not well enough to go to work or do your normal activities. Where you are exhibiting flu or covid symptoms but feel well enough to work, ensure that you speak with your manager about home working options and arrangements within your service/team. Where you feel too unwell to work, ensure you make your manager aware of your sickness absence as soon as possible and follow suitable guidance on treating your illness.

To help with prevention free vaccinations are available to all MVDC for both seasonal flu (via the MVDC Occupational Health service) and Covid through the NHS website via local pharmacists and walk in hubs.

More information about Wellbeing can be found here

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