Changes to the Wi-Fi Network

On Monday 16th January ICT will be replacing the Wi-Fi networks within Pippbrook. 

We will be retiring the following networks

Mole Valley Staff Wifi

Mole Valley Guest Wifi

Mole Valley iPhone Wifi

Mole Valley VPN 

and adding the following networks

WiFi             – used for Staff, Public, Guests, Councillors, SCC, Police, Mole Valley iPhones and iPads

WiFiSecure        – used only by Mole Valley laptops – automatically configured by ICT

The password for the WiFi network will be listed on Molly and you’ll need to re-enter it on your personal devices. We will automatically push the config change to the Mole Valley iPads and iPhones.

Please note – this work will not affect the Wi-Fi at Park House or Fairfield – they will remain as is for the time being.

Changes to the WiFi (

For any questions, please contact the ICT Service Desk via the portal or x3888, or message Roger Finch on Teams.

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