Reminder – Mole Valley Christmas Day Thursday 15th December at Pippbrook

A reminder about the Christmas celebrations taking place this coming Thursday (15th) at Pippbrook.  We are very much looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible in the office on the day!!

There will be plenty going on…….

  • 9.00–11.00  – Members of SLT will be doing the rounds visiting Dorking Halls, Park House, the Fairfield Centre and the Pippbook office. During this time they will be judging the ‘Dazzle Your Desk’ competition and the winners will be announced later in the afternoon. Prizes will be given to the best individual or best team.
  • 12.00-12.30 Christmas Wellbeing Walk. This will be a stroll over Cotmandene, up to St Pauls C of E Primary School and back round in a loop which will take no more than about 30 minutes!  The scenery is lovely at this time of year and it is a great way to catch up with colleagues and friends you may not have seen in a while.  If that sounds good to you, meet outside reception at 12 noon.
  • 3.00 – all are welcome to join us in the Breakout Area where our very own band and choir will kick things off with some seasonal carol singing, this will be followed by a fun quiz so get your team together and start swotting up – there will be a prize for the winning team

During the afternoon there will be some sweet treats and drinks to tuck into.

As there is no charity raffle this year, we thought it would be a lovely gesture if everyone could donate something to the food bank as their stocks are currently running very low and the following items would be welcome:-

  • Tinned meat
  • Long-life sponge puddings
  • Tinned potatoes
  • Multipacks of 6 x crisps
  • Bars of chocolate
  • Bottles of squash

We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone and being able to catch up with friends and colleagues on the day and please feel free to wear any festive attire!

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