Weekly Creditor Run Day Change

Dear Colleagues,

Please be advised that with effect from the week beginning 28th  November 2022 the weekly creditor run will now be run on a Wednesday instead of a Thursday. This will change the cut off day from a Tuesday to a Monday.

Please note this day change if you raise Purchase Orders, add Goods Received Notes, or receive creditor invoices, and get any invoices and payment vouchers to the Exchequers team by 5pm on Monday each week to ensure a payment is included in the BACS run on Wednesday.

Payments into customer bank accounts will now be on a Friday the same week instead of a Monday the following week. Please also note that any cheque payments will only be produced on the first Wednesday of each month, with exception of this month as we will produce cheques on Wednesday 30th .

If you have any questions please contact Sally Lewis or a member of Accounts Team.

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