Data Breach Reminder

Here is an important reminder to all staff about two of the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act Principles:

The Accountability Principle requires us to take responsibility for what we do with personal data and how we comply with the other principles.  Avoid data breaches by making sure emails are not sent to the wrong recipient.  Always confirm the “Safesend” email address and any attachments are correct for the person you are intending to send an external email to.  It is vital this does not become an automatic process and you recognise that it is your responsibility to avert potential disasters!!  In addition always make sure that you don’t discuss an individual’s personal data with a third party over the phone or face to face.

The Purpose Limitation Principle requires us to be clear about what our purposes for processing personal data are from the start.  We can only use the personal data we hold for a new purpose if it is either compatible with the original purpose, we get consent, or there is a clear obligation or function set out in law.  Think about why the data subject gave us their personal data in the first place, if you think they wouldn’t reasonably expect you to use it for a different purpose you probably shouldn’t!!

Thank you all for your continued efforts in keeping our customers’ personal data safe and secure.  If you wish to discuss any data protection matters or report a breach please contact or

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