Shine Awards

Tom received a well-deserved Shine Award from Bella. He was nominated by a member of staff who said:

“Tom was the Emergency Planning Duty Manager on Sunday 23 October 2022. He received a message late in the evening from the out of hours team at Park House that a tree had fallen on Pippbrook.

Tom could have simply rung the Parks team and the Property team and asked them to deal with it but instead left home and made his way to the offices in the dark, the wind and the rain in order to assess the extent of the issue, worked with Alex Bagnall to clear the considerable debris to reduce the risk of further damage overnight and was fielding calls/emails from SLT late into the night to reassure us that Pippbrook was fine to occupy the next day. This highlights two of Tom’s many strengths – team player and conscientious and demonstrates two of our core values – he led and he cared.”

SLT were particularly impressed with the way in which you dealt with the situation and your commitment and consideration of others – well done and thank you for all you did and continue to do”

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