CSU Harvest Fun Winners!


Thanks to everyone who took part in CSU’s little competition to guess the weights of the squash. 

The weights were:

  • Pumpkin – 1430g
  • Squash – 2042g
  • Butternut squash – 1005g

Congratulations to our winners:

  • MAIN PRIZE: Sharon Nicolls who guessed the closest on each one (pumpkin – 1500g, squash 2000g and 1000g for the butternut squash) and wins a box of chocolates!
  • Pumpkin – Will Tandy who guessed 1360.78g and Charlotte Fandrejewski who guessed 1500g
  • Squash – Alice Shields who guessed 1800g
  • Butternut squash – Helen Wilson who guessed 900g

Their prize is an item from the CSU prize cupboard.

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