Shine Awards

This month we presented two Shine Awards.

Charlotte Allen was nominated by a member of staff who said “Charlotte has worked very hard on bringing all brand design guidelines and templates together, as well as designing the MVDC tone of voice and styling guides.

“She has not only worked on most of the copy and creative for the documents, but also built accessible pages for Molly. She will now continue to work with individual managers, ensuring that the templates are fit for purpose and support their objectives.

“Charlotte has also had a significant input with designing and production of refreshed MVDC values. The amount of time dedicated to this project, her passion, commitment and determination ought to be recognised.”

Samantha Condor was nominated by a member of staff who said “Sam really demonstrated the MVDC “we care” value. 

“She went above and beyond to rescue a 10-month old puppy on Dorking High Street. Along with two members of the public, they all managed to retrieve a (stray) energetic puppy from the busy road.

“The dog luckily was uninjured. Sam quickly called the Dog Warden who met the group, scanned and got the dog back to their panicked owner. The owner wanted to pass on their deepest thanks and gratitude.”

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