Her Majesty The Queen

Message from Piers Mason, Deputy Chief Executive

“I am sure you will all by now have heard the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.

The Union Flag is flying at half-mast at Pippbrook and will fly until after the funeral and the Chairman has issued a statement on behalf of the Council. 

Whist the Council will continue to operate services as normal, we do need to be mindful of public activity and communications undertaken to ensure it is appropriate during this period of national mourning. Please do speak to your SLT Lead should you have any concerns about this. There is lots of work happening at the moment to ensure we undertake the duties required of the Council and we will have more details as these develop.

A condolence book will be available in Pippbrook’s reception from today and an electronic national book of condolence has been set up, for those wishing to offer their sympathies”

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